Monday 27 November 2006

23rd September 2006 Why Get Involved ?

I lost my dear wife Sandie aged 53 on the 10th April this year to pancreatic cancer after eighteen months of horrendous suffering, which she bore with great dignity and good humour. Her strength of character in such dreadful circumstances was truly amazing and I feel very humble when I think of her. She did not display the slightest self pity and talked to anyone about her situation always putting them at ease.

Sandie said before she died that I must not make her out to be "Saint" as people always "Canonize the dead", but believe me she was a remarkable woman. I only wish we could have had another twenty years together.

It's incredibly tough to witness the progress of a disease which is so aggressive and spiteful, destroy your best friend, wife, lover and mother of your children. You stand by helpless fully aware that time is fast running out, praying for the miracle you know will not come. All she asked me to do was be strong for her, which was a lot harder done than said.

I was with my darling to the very end when she drew her last breath in this life and the dispare just enveloped me. A very bright and wonderful light was extinguished, my life and the kids lives will never be the same again.

I can only liken loosing her to a great dark hole opening before me which I will never fill but must find a way around. This challenge is the beginning of my journey around that hole and that's why I want to be involved.

I hope no one reading this ever has to call upon Macmillan Cancer Support but should you have to, you will receive unconditional care and support which, during some of the darkest days of your life is absolutely Priceless, that's another reason why I want to be involved!

We miss you so much, Rest in Peace My Darling


A testament to the person Sandie was, I requested a donation to the Radiology Department of Oldchurch Hospital rather than flowers at her funeral, we donated in her name £2100.00. There were still lots of flowers!

Saturday 25 November 2006

19th September 2006 To Hull and Back!

Its a funny place Hull, terrible reputation but its actually quite beautiful in places. My cousin and his wife live in a lovely house right by the river. Fantastic spot, but I wouldn't give much for their chances if a Tsunami strikes Humberside. Anyway not much chance of that thankfully cos they're terrific people and its somewhere nice to visit.

I mention Hull because that's where this idea I had in mind comes to fruition. You see I had been considering signing up for a Hiking Challenge in China for Macmillan Cancer Support. Why I had even contemplated this will become clear, anyway, I had been banging on about it being very negative and talking myself out of it. When looking at my cousins wife for some support got the following retort. "Oh just get on with it you'll be fine you soft southerners are all the same whinging on etc., etc. Well instant focus you might say!

Upshot is I went home and sent off my registration fee and form and went on Holiday.

P.S. By some fluke of nature our family is spread throughout the UK so whilst our bit was born in London and therefore talks "propa", the other lot talk funny and have gravy on their chips, something I've never come to terms with.

( I must confess to some poetic licence in retelling this story and any reference to anyone living is purely intentional)