Tuesday 12 December 2006

22th October 2006 Reality Sinks In!

What have I gone and done? Here I am fat and fifty Two (almost), signed up for a five day trek along the Great Wall of China, approx 130 Kilometers, 7 hours at a stretch, five consecutive days. I must be stark raving mad!!

The furthest I walk these days is to the car, if its not too far. Thank god its not until next March at least I have half a chance of getting myself into better shape. I'll need every minute, I bet everyone else is 18 years old not 18 stone (yes when did that happen!). Mind you as you get older I ask that question every time I look in the mirror and my Dad's looking back.

You can't say I got involved because of the uniform although the anorak is rather nice and the boots remarkably light, considering the size of the box.

Anyway to late now the deed is done!

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