Monday 15 January 2007

22nd November 2006 £2000.00 in Two Weeks

What incredible support I have received since the web site launch, two very nice ladies helped me (they know who they are) to circulate an appeal letter and put the wed site on the company intranet. What a response, I can hardly believe it!

My training is continuing and I am walking every night, so far so good! Started to walk four plus miles of a weekend both days, housework is taking a bit of a back seat. I've started wearing my boots and they are quite uncomfortable at present I hope they improve. I have got my jacket, fleece and inner layers now and they really do make a difference. The way I book it If I can get any advantage from a piece of kit I'm getting it. I need all the help I can get. I've started to lose a few Pounds nothing spectacular but all in the right direction. One of my sponsors has promised to double her donation if I weigh less than 16 stone before or after the challenge. Iam going to enjoy taking her money I can tell you, cheeky b***h.

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