Sunday 4 February 2007

21st January 2007 Signed up for Peru May 2008

Yes your eyes do not deceive you I have signed up to hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. The cause will be the same and I hope to raise some more money for Macmillan Cancer Support. I decided to do this because I did not want to lose my focus, this trip and the preparation for it has changed my life and I wanted something else to aim for when this challenge was over.

I was really worried that if I had no reason to walk I wouldn't go and walk, the thought worried me so I have chosen an even tougher challenge this time. Although I will have more time to improve my fitness it is still a demanding challenge as altitude enters the equation.

I'm not getting carried away honest, China is my main priority and is approaching rapidly 2 months to go!!

Bought my head torch and first aid kit this week nearly got all my kit now, just a few odds and ends to get and my visa.

14th January 2007 Proceeding to Plan

I have started doing more gym work during the week now to build on my stamina. The cross trainer and step machine are the two main pieces of equipment I use, 15 minutes on each this week.

Still doing my yoga/pilates on Tuesday which is getting a little easier I'm still about as supple as a plank though.

Today and tomorrow I'm walking the fields locally which is great fun. Through the golf course and under the M25 in a big loop, hoping to do about 6/7 miles which is not bad through the mud.

6th January 2007 To Grimsby and Back!

Went to Grimsby for the weekend to do some serious walking with fellow walkers. It was good to meet up with some people who were going on the trip. We had a few laughs about what was in store in China and walked 14 miles on the Saturday over the Humber Bridge and along the fore shore to North Ferriby, where my cousin and his wife live. Where this story started some months earlier.

You should have seen Janet's face when I banged on the window (I hadn't told them I was popping in!!) it was a picture. "You're taking this walking business to seriously" was the greeting and then "have you seen Pete he's out walking". My cousin had just had a partial knee replacement a few days earlier so I though she was taking the pxxs. Anyway tops up he was and his surprise was just as great when I told him to hurry up and stop messing around, hobbling about on two sticks. Honestly though what a star he is. Anyway had a nice cup of tea and walked back.

I thought I would definitely get a reaction to walking so far, but nothing, no stiffness or aching limbs and most importantly no blisters. Boots were brilliant!!

Went out again on Sunday and walked six miles and then drove home. My confidence was considerably increased by walking so far, the furthest I have ever walked in one go in my entire life.

By the way the injections were no trouble at all, much to my relief just two jabs of coctails.

1st January 2007 Hotels do have Gym's!!!

Went away for New Year with very good friends Andy and Leslie to Oxford, lovely hotel with a black tie dinner and dance for the New Year celebrations. It was excellent and with a few bottles of champagne a nice evening.

Where I really surprised myself is that I went to the Hotel gym on both days and did a full hours routine and then hit the steam room, sauna and swimming pool. Great facilities and my training did not suffer which was brilliant.

I've stayed in many hotels and never but never used the gym, I was quite proud of myself. Leslie and Andy were amazed!!

I get my injections tomorrow, can't say I'm looking forward to that much, Hepititus A, Typhoid Fever, Diptheria, Tetanus and polio. That sounds like fun!!!

Wednesday 17 January 2007

25th December 2006 A Very Sad Christmas Day

I can't say I've been looking forward to Christmas, things are just not the same and I can't raise any enthusiasm at all. Had a nice weekend with the outlaws in Northampton and my brother and his wife have invited Hayley, Mem (Hayley's Boyfriend) and I for Christmas Day.

I walked the 6.2 miles to my brothers to build up an appetite it was a nice walk and a nice but very sad day.

20th December 2006 6 miles Saturday and Sunday

Its strange how quickly you can cover the distance when you do something regularly, I would have never dreamed of walking 6 miles full stop, let alone two days running. Its really enjoyable out in the fields with your "OS" (that's hiker talk for Ordnance Survey Map), walking over private land (I said I had one not that I can read it) and peoples gardens.

The strangest things go through your mind though when your alone with your thoughts like, "I hope nobody shoots me by mistake" and "That's not a banjo I can hear playing is it?"

Mind you the old housework's taking a back seat but I still passed the "Mum" test not quite white gloves, more firm but fair.

The weight has started to shift which can't be bad 14 pounds lighter than I used to be. A certain friend of mine is going to have to double her donation to £200.00, which is very good for the cause.

9th December 2006 What no Toilets!!!

20 fellow walkers turned up for the meeting and twenty chins hit the deck at the thought of holding hands with a neighbour whilst having a c**p. Yes its a sad but true fact, no toilets on the wall and if your caught short, you have a large audience to what is usually a very private moment. Then as we cannot leave anything behind ANYTHING, it has to be collected and carried to the village for a ceremonial burning at dawn. Nappy bags are required apparently, best to get perfumed ones said the shorter sadist with a gleeful glint in her eye. No one asked why.

Worse was to come (hard to believe I hear you say) the only toilet is in the village (1 toilet to 1 village), apparently a hole in the ground with an 18" wall around it for "privacy". The up side is there's usually four in a line so you hold hands and prevent each other from falling in!!! The other hand is holding a handkerchief drenched in aftershave over your nose to stop you throwing up at the stench.

Another shock, these people are definitely sadists, no washing water only drinking water, no proper wash for five days, we have to use "wet wipes" One girl, a survivior of 9 challenges informed us all that its better to take your oldest under wear and burn it at dawn rather than carry it about, good advice if you ask me.

Laugh we could have cried, never seen so many shades of green in one place, all with some incredible mental pictures.

The steps also look horrendous, one clever dick asked (not me) why if the Chinese are so small do the make such incredibly large steps? You'll find out came the reply!

Never felt much like dinner that evening.

8th December 2006 £4,000.00 in Four Weeks

The support from everyone is marvellous I can hardly believe it, people are so generous it really makes all the physical effort on my part worthwhile. We have a meeting tomorrow with Macmillan and some fellow walkers that should be interesting.

The training is really going well I have increased the evening walk to 3.1 miles, its funny really I would have laugh myself silly if someone had told me that I would be walking that distance every night, only a few short weeks ago. I'm still doing my yoga/pilates on a Tuesday, I'd love to be a fly on the wall. Just me in a class of women, them "glowing" sweetly me surrounded in a pool of sweat, still it feels good afterwards.

Monday 15 January 2007

29th November 2006 £3,000.00 in Three Weeks

Absolutely fantastic support from many of my colleagues and friends, quite remarkable, I feel very humble that so many people I don't know have supported me, I suppose they can identify with the cause, Macmillan are a fantastic organisation.

Cat almost had me over again today, He's never been the same since he saw the lions bring down the elephant on Planet Earth! He hides under the washing on the dryer and ambushes you as you walk past. He's quite fearless and ends up being dragged down the hall all four legs wrapped around mine, I tell you, you've got to keep your wits about you, little sod.

25th November 2006 Increase the Distance

2 miles kid stuff, tonight I have increased the walk to three miles, and five on the weekend. I can't believe I'm doing this every night, but I'm feeling good and I have no reaction to the walking which is brilliant.

Spoke to one of my fellow walkers today he's a fitness instructor, can't be bad.

I also spoke to my local Macmillan rep a really nice lady, she recommended that I get down the gym and get on the step machine. She did this walk last October and said that she built up to one hour on the step machine 1 HOUR, have you ever tried to do that for 10 minutes, its excruciating. This has not been an encouraging day!!

Towel and throw in spring to mind, just joking of course I'll finish on my hands and knees if I have to. This walk has really changed my life and refocused my attention on something positive and worthwhile, I feel good.

22nd November 2006 £2000.00 in Two Weeks

What incredible support I have received since the web site launch, two very nice ladies helped me (they know who they are) to circulate an appeal letter and put the wed site on the company intranet. What a response, I can hardly believe it!

My training is continuing and I am walking every night, so far so good! Started to walk four plus miles of a weekend both days, housework is taking a bit of a back seat. I've started wearing my boots and they are quite uncomfortable at present I hope they improve. I have got my jacket, fleece and inner layers now and they really do make a difference. The way I book it If I can get any advantage from a piece of kit I'm getting it. I need all the help I can get. I've started to lose a few Pounds nothing spectacular but all in the right direction. One of my sponsors has promised to double her donation if I weigh less than 16 stone before or after the challenge. Iam going to enjoy taking her money I can tell you, cheeky b***h.

11th November 2006 Create a Web Site

Jason will sort this out, later

I hate computers 2 hours to do this, a child of 6 could have done it 5 minutes, but my web page disappeared so I did another one. Then the old one came back and now I had two, talk about confusing worse still I had spelt Hiking, Hicking. "The Great Hicking Challenge" can you believe it and I can't access the page to edit it. Anyway the just giving crew sorted it out, what a palava.

My Nephew sorted out the picture for me and a great job he did, the best photograph I have of my dear wife, it does make me feel terribly sad.

The address by the way is should you fancy a visit.

Big day on Monday with the website launch.

2nd November 2006 52 and the Training Starts

Its my 52nd birthday and I feel its time to start my training. I have measured a route in the car of 2 miles and so it begins!

I can't wear my boots at present to walk in as their too uncomfortable so I'm wearing them in doing the ironing. This is not as easy as it sounds, the're so bloody big I keep tripping up the ironing board legs and twice nearly killed the cat. He keeps giving me very nasty looks, biding his time no doubt for revenge.

I still haven't got all the gear, inner layers and the like, so I'm just making do for now but getting in the routine of walking. This is a whole new experience for me!!